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Exaltation To Glory

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Paul's powerful depiction of the glorious exaltation of Christ to sovereignly rule His Kingdom.

Text: Phil. 2:9-11
Date: 04/21/2024, the Evening service.
Series: "Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship" Part 13

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Paul completes his description of the Advent of Christ with a powerful depiction of what has been called His "super-exaltation". After beautifully expressing the Humiliation and Incarnation of Christ, leading to His Crucifixion, death and burial-- Paul now turns his attention to the glorious Resurrection, Ascension, and Coronation of Christ. All of this and more goes together to describe the transcendent exaltation of Christ, the extent of His dominion, the all-inclusiveness of His subjects, and the absolute sovereignty of His reign. We will celebrate along with all the saints and angels of heaven, as He is bestowed the "name above all names" and honored even by those who have opposed Him. Ultimately we will bow our knees in homage to our King, professing with our mouths that He is Lord, and rejoice in the realization that even now He sees us, protects us, intercedes for us, and prepares a place for us. God's glory will be our encouragement as we witness Christ's exaltation to glory.

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I. Introduction
A. Context
B. Analyzing the doctrines of exaltation.
1. The name above all names, vs. 9.
a. An important "therefore".
b. God's "super-exaltation", Dan. 7:13-14; John 17:5.
c. God's gift to His Son.
d. The glory in the name, Rev. 2:17.
2. Every knee will bow, vs. 10.
a. The Sovereign King of the Kingdom of God, Matt. 1:21.
b. The significance of the "bowed knee", 1Pet. 3:22.
c. The dominion of Christ's reign.
i. Those in heaven, Rev. 5:11-14, 4:4,9-11, 7:9-12.
ii. Those on the earth, Rev. 12:9-12, 1Pet. 5:8.
iii. Those under the earth, Eph. 6:12; Rev. 6:15-17.
3. Every tongue confess, vs. 11.
a. The significance of the confession.
b. The content of the confession, Rev. 19:11-16, 5:13-14; Isa. 45:23; Eph. 1:21.
c. The result of the confession, John 13:31, 17:1.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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