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The Dangers of Reciprocity

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Going beyond the "what" of Christian ministry to the "why", "how", and especially the "for Whom"!

Text: Luke 14:12-14
Date: 04/21/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 146

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As Jesus' luncheon with the ruler of the Pharisees continues, His attention turns to the host himself and the kinds of people he has invited to his party. On the surface, the topic of Jesus' instruction seems to be the nature of the guest list, but the underlying principles go much deeper, and can be applied to all aspects of religious activity. Jesus is not just interested in "what" we do, but also "why" we do it, "how" we do it, "who" we are doing it for, and what we "expect" in return. Even though these principles can be applied to all kinds of Christian activity, we will focus on the necessary Kingdom fruit of benevolence, for it is the example Jesus uses. Ultimately we will determine that as Christians, our motives must be pure, our demeanor must be humble, our service must be selfless, and most importantly-- what we do, we do for the glory of God. Only then can we avoid the dangers of reciprocity.

View:  Options: 

I. Introduction, 1John 3:17.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 14:12-14.
A. Context, Luke 13:24.
1. The venue.
2. The parable.
3. The proverb, Luke 14:11.
B. The issue of reciprocity.
1. The Pharisee's guest list, vs. 12.
a. A message to the host.
b. Expanding the scope.
c. The wrong guest list.
d. Introducing the idea of "reciprocity".
i. Defining "reciprocity".
ii. Contrary to Kingdom ethics, Luke 6:32-34, Mark 6:2.
2. The Kingdom guest list, vs. 13.
a. Identifying the scope.
b. Identifying the guests.
i. Looking at the words.
1) The "poor", James 2:5,5:1; Luke 18:25; Rev. 3:17.
2) The crippled and the lame.
3) The blind.
ii. Probing the significance, Luke 14:21.
1) A group defiled and disdained.
a) The exclusion of the disabled, Lev. 21:17-23, John 9:1-2.
b) The exclusion of the poor, Luke 13:2, James 2:2-3,6.
c) The exclusion thanks to David, 2Sam. 5:6,8.
2) A group saved by the Messiah, Luke 4:18-19,21,7:22-23; Matt. 21:14.
3. Seeking eschatological reward, vs. 14.
a. The blessings of non-reciprocal generosity.
b. Eschatological recompense, Luke 14:11, Phil. 2:10-11.
c. The resurrection of the just.
i. Defining the terms, 1John 3:7; Acts 24:15; John 5:28-29.
ii. Probing the meaning, Col. 3:23.
III. Application, Luke 6:44.
A. Check your motives.
B. Check your ego.
C. Soli Deo Gloria, Gal. 1:10; James 4:4; Josh. 24:15.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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